
Kazan: Tatarstan, founded 1005

I learned to judge only on things that I have seen with own eyes. What can I say about Kazan? The reason for coming there was the 25th NISPACee annual conference, that is, the annual meeting of academics doing research on public administration in Central and Eastern Europe. I will say something about the new evidence present at the event elsewhere. For the moment I would like to get a grip on the various impressions that I got over the last couple of days while being a guest in Kazan.

Kazan is the sport capital of Russia.

Kazan is a booming city

Kazan is an innovative city, in terms of its young entrepreneurs.

And Kazan can be proud of an excellent Federal university, I think.

Whatever  your favorite sporting activity is, you will have been recognizing that Kazan is seemingly a good place to do sports at, even if you have never been to Kazan yourself. Zenit Kazan, the city´s professional volleyball team won the Russian male championship earlier this month (May 2017). A significant share of the Russian volleyball national team is made of pros from this club accordingly. Rubin Kazan is a football club in the Russian premier league. (I am not able to comment on their performance  since I hardly follow soccer at all). Kazan hosted the FINA 2015 World Championships, that is, championship in swimming, diving, water polo and synchronized swimming; and I am entitled to comment on that fact since I have been a amateur swimmer for more than 25 years now. Apart from having it watched on TV I recently learned that this event was rated the best organized one in FINA´s history. Good job, Kazan. We can continue this list, but I will gloss over the city´s ice hockey, basketball, and tennis teams, the Universiade in 2013. You got the key message that Kazan is very good at creating a successful environment for top-performing professional team sports. Over the last days I took my chance to see all the related facilities with my own eyes. The city is full of them, that is, beyond the brand new Aquatics center located on the embankment of the river Kazanka, next to the multipurpose stadium that will co-host the FIFA Football Championships in 2018, or the Basketball Hall in the City Center, visitors will see various facilities for dozens of disciplines all over the city. In public policy terms accessibility for potential users is high. A major policy issue in promoting health related sporting activities apart from the gap between professional and amateur sport, both in terms of allocation of resources and political attention, is a bias in allocating money across disciplines. Research on local sport clubs in Greece has demonstrated that the overwhelming share of money flows into a handful of popular disciplines, including football, and handball, leaving little to nothing for the rest. Policy makers seem to do better in Kazan.

Kazan is a booming city. You won´t find anybody denying this statement including yourself once you had a view from the Kremlin onto the surrounding parts of the city. But it is not just the city center. The same goes for the suburbs. New infrastructure, business complexes and apartments everywhere and they keep going. And before you ask – for the moment it is not central government money that they are spending here.

Kazan is a hard working and rich city. Tatars are the protestants of the Muslim world. They are earning and spending their own money: Tatarstan has a relevant car and space industry, an innovation city (a small Silicon Valley), and its own oil and gas resources. They have a local understanding of what is good and what is not and allocate resources accordingly.

Kazan is an innovative city. Innovation means new ways of doing things. I enjoyed new ways of doing things and entrepreneurship for example in burger shop-start ups: The burger shops I visited were too small in size to have hygienic rooms we would expect them in any serious restaurant. And they do not need to have. The only thing I want to do before and after having a meal is washing my hands. Next to the entrance, instead of a regular washing bowl, I was able to use a regular water pipe embedded into a renovated oil bowl. (Pictured below). I have never experienced this in Moscow before, this innovative approach might be due to differences in local food regulations, differences in size, or entrepreneurial spirit among locals. Anyway, I appreciated it very much.

A forward looking mindset an a larger scale is evident in the city of Innopolis, a Tatarstan Silicon Valley, some 40km outside of Kazan.

By the way, Tatarstan, for those not used to Russian administrative details, is an autonomous Republic within the Russian Federation; and Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. Tatarstan has 3m inhabitants, 1m of them living in Kazan, another million in the other five to six smaller cities in Tatarstan and the rest in Republic´s rural villages and settlements. About 50 percent of the 3m inhabitants are Ethnic Tatars, most of them Moslem.

Things in Kazan reportedly have significantly improved over the last two decades and within the last five years in particular. People how saw the city 20 years ago, like my colleague Alexey Barabashev from the Higher School of Economics, report that the city has completely changed to the better. Having asked regular people about their feelings and expectations I learned that for most of them it seems hard to enlist serious problems –I am not talking about everyday life and familiar issues, but concepts like life satisfaction – related to public administration as they have been living in an environment where the direction of travel has been improvement throughout the last years. Yes, some the best students still leave for Moscow upon graduation or even before, University professors told me; but some of them also do return. But students are as much aspiring in Kazan as they are in Moscow, at least according to my impressions.



In recent weeks and months I received a number of innvitations to connect on LinkedIn, a business-social network. However, I can neither accept nor visit the profiles of all these persons. Access to the LinkedIn website from Russian based IPs has been blocked for six months or so by government agencies responsible, seemingly due to LinkedIn’s failure or non-willingness to comply with Russian law which requires internet companies to store data from users based in Russia on servers located in the Russian Federation. Dull behavior; first why not protect Russian user data by openign servers in Russia? Second, instead of informing users about this obstacle, LinkedIn continues to send me invitations, and advertisments via email – including links which I can’t access anyways.

LinkedIn is simply loosing market shares and (my) trust.

More promisising and pictured above: Moscow’s City government is implementing a new integrated e-government system, and informs citizens about it using ads like this one seen near Park Voronzovskiy Prydi.



Max Weber: Bureaucratic theory as part of a life between two epochs

Yesterday (2017-04-28) Jürgen Kaube presented the Russian translation of his recent biography of Max Weber in the German Historical Institut in Moskau (DHI Moskau). Jürgen Kaube is co-editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) a leading German daily newspaper.

His highly readable biography of Max Weber was initially published in German in 2014. In 2016 the publishing house of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) delivered a Russian Translation of the strongly perceived book. Natalia Rostislavleva from Moscow’s University of the Humanities and Greg Yudin from the Higher School of Economics commented on the book and its Russian translation.

Jürgen Kaube. 2014. Max Weber. Ein Leben zwischen zwei Epochen. Reinbeck: Rowohlt.

Юрген Каубе. 2016. Макс Вебер: жизнь на рубеже эпох. Издательский дом «Дело» РАНХиГС.

Why bother about a German sociologist? Max Weber, born into a wealthy family of textile traders graduated with a degree in law, wrote his doctoral thesis about medieval trade organizations and published his habilitation on legal aspects of agriculture in ancient Rome. In 1905 he took a chair of economics at the University of Heidelberg, but soon had to pause for several years to cure severe nervous affection.

As Juergen Kaube writes Max Weber did not enjoy a happy life. After the recovered and returned to academic work he excessively conducted research on a wide range of topics, from agriculture and the history of music to economics and sociology.

And he worked on bureaucracy.

Max Weber’s life is worth having a look at for at least two reasons. First his personal impact on research in sociology, economic history and organizational theory. However, he wrote a lot but published little. Most of this relevant works were published only after his death in 1920 (he only became 56 years old). Second because he lived a life at the edge, or as the German title goes, between two epochs. You may put the transition between the two epochs at 1905, 1912 or 1918. In is essence it was when Max Weber recognized that the German bourgeoisie class , to which he belonged himself, did not managed to gain momentum in political affairs as they did in academic life and business affairs (as well as they would never not be able to do so). Instead mass movements like social democracy and their affiliated parties became relevant forces in the political and social sphere. Max Weber did not anticipate this development. This life between two epochs is what Jürgen Kauber’s book is mostly about.

I will focus on the work of Max Weber which is relevant for public administration researchers. Max Weber introduced a simple machine model of organizations. The best thing in Public Administration is hierarchy, according to Max Weber. Getting things done that require the physical and intellectual capacities of more than one individual is best achieved by clear top-down orders.

His description of Verwaltung became the reference model for civil servants and researchers for almost a century. Weber said that a bureaucracy has six properties: The first one is hierarchy. Hierarchy gives natural structure: There are superiors and subordinates. Command and control goes top-down. The other basic features of bureaucracy are: Rationality: Bureaucracy is a fixed area ordered by clear rules, laws, or regulations. Standard operating procedures are very important. Management relies on written files. Everything can be monitored, controlled, this makes actions reliable. Occupation is based on expertise and training. Full-time employment and payment of civil servants: The staff is employed full-time. Public officers may expect to make a career (just by being loyal and following the rules). Bureaucracy offers career-options based on the principle of seniority, which in turn enhances organizational identification, and loyalty.

This description of bureaucracy became the blueprint for ‘sound’ organizational structure for almost a century.

We know now that this simple machine’ model is elegant but flawed since ignores any unanticipated consequences of behavior in such an environment. Social and organizational psychology are absent in this model. This gave rise to behavioral public administration. In Weber’s simple machine model public servants have limited incentives to perform well, because they there are no competitors. Their behavior will be guided by the question: ‘Do I follow the rule?’ Today we would add: ‘Do I comply with our code of conduct?’. In the Weberian world hierarchy and SOPs decide about outcomes.

Interestingly, Max Weber was a severe critique of bureaucratic behavior and its negative effects for citizens, and community members. He disliked red tape and the need for community members to follow an often senseless rule of action. This critique of bureaucracy is a rare instance where Max Weber agreed with his younger brother, Alfred Weber, a famous economist. But Max Weber did not start his studies on bureaucracy as a critique of bureaucratic behavior. Against this background it is somewhat funny that Weber’s machine model has been serving as a positive role model for ‘sound administration’.

To close the story: in 1910 Alfred Weber published an article entitled “Der Beamte” (literally the civil servant, but the word beamter always has a more bureaucratic meaning), a description of bureaucratic interpersonal relations. Alfred Weber also was one of the reviewer of Franz Kafkas doctoral thesis. Franz Kafka also published the novel “Das Schloss”, The Castle. Linguists have demonstrated that the novel contains phrases borrowed from Alfred Weber’s text. The somewhat negative perception of bureaucratic action thus diffused into 20th -century literature.


On doping and personnel management

Yesterday (2017-03-20) Ilya Akishin delivered an interesting talk at HSE’ School of Public Administration monthly Discussion meeting. Ilya is Deputy Director of the Institute for Public Administration and Governance / Center of Regional Programmes for Public Administration Improvement at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. https://ipag.hse.ru/en/

Ilya is not only a good researcher but he is also an excellent consultant. He has been counselling and advising about a dozen of Russian regions. 1. He developed models for regional development in the Far East, at Sakhalin. Just last week he returned from Tatarstan, where he advised government how to run and maintain a technological park. In Leningrad region he did extensive working time measurement to identify how many employees local civil service need to provide high quality public services. And the also conducted a project on behalf of the Russian Ministry of Sport. In his talk Ilya shared insights from his work on the staff size of public sport agencies in Russia.

Why do we talk about sport in a School of Public Administration? We do because society has a stake in healthy citizens. Do not get me wrong. Talking about public sport policy does not mean that I am advocating for nudging, vegetarian serfdom or other regulatory limitations of individual choice and freedom. It is an empirical fact that rich countries are facing problems of widespread obesity among citizens, especially among kids. Healthy behavior and it antipode directly link to the level public health care expenditures: Obesity among community members today means increasing expenditures to cure unhealthy lifestyle tomorrow. Accordingly public sport agencies administer a wide range of sport and recreation services (SRS), and health enhancing physical activities (HEPA).

But how many civil servants do we need to promote a healthy lifestyle? In his talk Ilya will present a management instrument to determine a satisficing or even optimal staff size.

The underlying research consists of three steps: desktop screening of all legislation in the sphere of sport yield a list of 100 functions for regional sport agencies. Sport agencies at the local level are responsible for another 66 functions. To get these jobs done 25 working processes do exist; while each function is clearly defined, processes may overlap in daily working routines.

Ilya and his team categorize 12 1st level functions, broad categories of daily operations conducted by the administrators within public sport agencies. 9 of them are policy related functions, and 3 categories cover administrative functions, from financial accounting over reporting to pure red-tape. (Recall OECD’s Classification of Function of government, COFOG; it is exactly the same logic.). Each 1st level functions captures dozens of more detailed 2nd and 3rd level activities. Examples of 1st level functions include sports-for-all development (1st level function 4); finance management (1st level function 11); general activities (1st level function 10).

In a second step Ilya and his colleagues conducted extensive field in the regions: How often functions are executed within one year? An average regional public sport agency in Russia has 45.5 civil servants. Field research reveals that more than 50 percent of overall working time (namely the working time of 33.8 civil servants) is spend on administrative functions, from accounting over reporting and various form of red-tape.

In a third step Ilya presented a formula to calculate an optimal staff size. Optimal staff size is a function of sporting objects, e.g. the number of sport clubs in a city, and legislative function. For a region with more than 2 million residents, optimal staff size varies from 54 to 64 civil servants; a region with 1-2 million residents should count between 27 and 32 administrators in its public sport agency; regions with less than 1 million inhabitants should employee between 21 and 29 civil servants.

Figure: Sports policy: Selected 1st level functions of regional sport agencies in Russia

Selected 1st level function of sports policy Optimal staff size
Development of relations with local sport clubs 1.4
Sports-for-all development 0.4
Finance management 17
General activities 13.6
Total staff size, units according to the model 79.2


According to the model an average public sport agency requires the capacity of 79.2 civil servants to carry out its 100 legislative functions.

A comparison of required staff size and actual staff size reveals that public sport agencies in most regions are understaffed. Public sport agencies in most Russian regions lack personnel resources to conduct all assigned functions in an efficient and effective manner. In Krasnodar region the actual staff size is 56, according to the model the workload requires 13 additional civil servants. In Sverdlovsk the gap between actual (48) and optimal staff size is 21 (additional 21 public officials are required); in the Republic of Mordovia the regional sport agency should count 29 instead of the current 11 civil servants.

The model provides an interesting management tool which links resource allocation to public service delivery. A striking example is the implementation of anti-doping regulations. Does doping occur more often in regions with understaffed public sport agencies? Anti-doping regulations do exist, but a lack of staffing may result in an inefficient control net.


New working paper on sports-for-all policy

Last week I published a new working paper on public sport agencies.

To live a healthy lifestyle the World Health Organization recommends 30 minutes daily practice of sports five times a week. This ambitious recommendation comes along with the fact that developed countries in Northern America and Europe but also emerging economies like China are facing problems of widespread obesity among citizens, especially among kids. This has dramatic consequences both for individual and public health. In modern welfare states (un)healthy behavior directly links to the level public health care expenditures: Obesity among community members today means increasing expenditures to cure unhealthy lifestyle tomorrow. Society has a stake in healthy citizens; so public sport agencies administer a wide range of sport and recreation services (SRS).

Against this backdrop the working paper provides a collection and analysis of modern sports-for-all policies in Europe, North America, Australia and China. Promoting a healthy lifestyle among community members by providing easy access to sport facilities has been a traditional function of sport-for-all policies. Modern policy goals now also include promoting racial and gender equity and diversity, fighting doping, harassment and violence, in particular child abuse, and promoting tourism. Despite the different administrative contexts the implementation of policy goals heavily relies on volunteers and voluntary non-for profit organizations.

Two in-depth case studies on sport governing bodies in Germany and England exemplify common patterns in service delivery and how policy goals have shifted from maintaining sporting facilities to non-sporting objectives like job creation, stimulation of tourism and gender equity.

The paper identifies and discusses five challenges for modern sports-for-all policies: tracking the quality of public service delivery, the link between outcomes and impacts, goal ambiguity and complexity, staff size, and managing collaborations in a hyper-complex environment.

Jaekel, Tim. 2017. Modern sports-for-all policy: an international comparison of policy goals and models of service delivery. National Research University Higher School of Economics Working Paper Series: Public and Social Policy WP BRP 04/PSP/2017.

The full text of working paper BRP 04/PSP/2017 is available here:







An optimal staff size for public sport agencies

11th Public Administration Discussion Meeting: Ilya Akishin

„How to determine the optimal staff size for public sport agencies: A methodology and its application to Russia

National Research University Higher School of Economics: School of Public Administration

You are kindly invited to the upcoming Public Administration Discussion Meeting, which will take place in room 228, 20 Myasnitskaya ul., on Monday, 20th of March, 15:10.

At the meeting we will welcome Ilya Akishin, who will present insights from his work on the staff size of public sport agencies in Russia. Ilya is Deputy Director of the Institute for Public Administration and Governance / Center of Regional Programmes for Public Administration Improvement at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Society has a stake in healthy citizens; accordingly public sport agencies administer a wide range of sport and recreation services (SRS), and health enhancing physical activities (HEPA). In Russia regions and municipalities are responsible for sports-for-all policy. In his talk Ilya will present a new practice-oriented instrument to determine an optimal staff size for regional and local sport agencies. The methodology was developed for the Russian Federal Ministry of sport. Using individual level working time data from 21 Russian regions Ilya will demonstrate that a relevant number of public sport agencies in Russia do not have enough staff for fulfilling their functions efficiently.


10th Public Administration Discussion Meeting: Co-optation as Investment

10th Public Administration Discussion Meeting

Co-optation as Investment: theorizing the agency of social movements in participatory institutions

Victor A. Albert

National Research University Higher School of Economics: School of Public Administration


It is a pleasure for me to announce the upcoming 10th Public Administration Discussion Meeting, which will take place in room 242, 20 Myasnitskaya ul., on Monday, 13th of February, 15:10

At our 10th meeting we will welcome Victor A. Albert, who will present insights from his research on citizen participation. Albert is an Assistant Professor at the Public Policy Department at HSE. https://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/192085609

Citizen participation has become a governance commonplace as public authorities around the world have sought to the secure the benefits of increasing public involvement in government decision-making. The consequent proliferation of participatory institutions, however, can pose strategic dilemmas for social movements which must weigh up the pros and cons of involvement in state-organised institutions. In the academic literature, as in the vernacular, the term ‚co-optation‘ is used to describe the absorption of energy and political moderation that may occur as a result of citizen participation. In this paper I consider ‚investment‘ as an alternative to co-optation. I reflect on its metaphoric value – that is, its capacity to avoid some of the problems of theorising social movement change ‘from a position of exteriority’ (Boltanski 2011) – and also on its ability to enable a more detailed analysis of the multiple kinds of sacrifices that are made and the benefits that may be accrued by social movements in participatory fora. I differentiate between different kinds of investments, some of which are unavoidable, while others are highly variable and context dependent. I argue that the agency of individual actors needs to be taken seriously; but I also posit that political power materially and interpretatively shapes both academic and popular evaluations of participatory institutions. To advance this argument I draw on long term ethnographic research in Greater São Paulo, Brazil. More specifically, I compare the experiences of two social movements: one that participated extensively in participatory institutions and another that eschewed such participation altogether.



Innovation for Public Sector Transportation

I saw the light – Have a look on the picture above.

What you can see on the picture is the latest round of innovation for Public transportation in the Russian capital. You can see a large capital letter M, which is for Metro, a underground railway system. This capital letter M can be found at Kitay Gorod, a metro station in the city center, a 5 minutes’ walk away from the red square.

The innovation is below the letter M: Two colored and lighted strips. The upper one has orange color; the lower one is a violet strip.

The orange strip is for the orange metro line; and guess what the violet strip is for the violet one. Moscow’s metro consists of 14 lines, each with a distinct name and particular color. The red line was the first one, opened in 1935, the green line the second (opened between 1935 and 1938). The yellow line is the youngest one. Metro lines cross at several stations, you can interchange there.

The lighted colored strips at a glance indicate which lines you can access at a particular station. That is an innovation, because it is a new practice which is very user friendly. As passenger you will save time to search for a metro map, look for the current station and the lines departing from there.


Innovation is in the air …

Innovations are seemingly pilot-tested in the city center where a lot of tourists walk around. I have not recognized the colored strips at stations outside the city center. And also other significant stations still do not have it. Do you see the difference depicted below? Obviously we have a metro station here, but it is far from clear what line the stations is served by. (Send me a comment if you figured out which station is actually depicted in the figure below.)


III. International students’ conference „Welt und Wissenschaft“ 2017

Tempted by the opportunity to present your research in German? If so you might pay attention to our upcoming event at Higher School of Economics:

III. International students’ conference “Welt und Wissenschaft” 2017

Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

19th of April 2017

For the third time we will organize this one-day scientific event at one of the top Russian universities.

Working language is German.

The event will be divided into seven sessions, each devoted to a particular topic, including Philosophy, Legal studies, Economics, Sociology and of course, Public Administration and Politics (I will chair this session).

The Call-for-papers including a detailed description of all thematic sessions, in German and in Russian, can be found at this blog (previous posts) and on the official conference website at https://lang.hse.ru/weltundwissenschaft/

Looking forward to your application!


III Международная научно-практическая конференция для студентов и аспирантов „Welt und Wissenschaft“ 2017

III Международная научно-практическая конференция для студентов и аспирантов
Welt und Wissenschaft“ 2017

Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»

Среда, 19.04.2017

Основная информация

Уважаемые студенты, аспиранты, коллеги,

19-го апреля 2017 года в НИУ ВШЭ уже в третий раз пройдет конференция «Welt und Wissenschaft» на немецком языке.

Мы приглашаем Вас представить результаты собственных научных исследований на нашей конференции.

На конференции у Вас будет возможность:

  • подискутировать на темы Ваших докладов со студентами и профессорами из России и Германии;
  • познакомиться с профессионалами в своей области из России и Германии;
  • получить информацию о возможностях обучения и прохождения научных стажировок в Германии.

Если Вы хотите принять участие в конференции, пришлите до 31-го января 2017 года заполненный формуляр (формуляр можно скачать на сайте https://lang.hse.ru/weltundwissenschaft/) на адрес welt_wissenschaft@mail.ru.

Сроки и даты

Заявки принимаются до 31-го января 2017 года.

До 15-го февраля 2017 участники конференции получат сообщение о включении их доклада в программу конференции.

Конференция пройдет 19-го апреля 2017 года.

Взнос за участие, оплата расходов

Взнос за участие в конференции не предусмотрен.

Все расходы (проезд и проживание в Москве) участники оплачивают самостоятельно.

Мы ждем Ваши заявки.


Евгения Анатольевна Успенская, профессор, заведующая кафедрой немецкого языка

Юлия Валерьевна Пасько, доцент кафедры немецкого языка

Анастасия Николаевна Афонина, доцент кафедры немецкого языка

Тим Екель, доцент Департамента государственного и муниципального управления




Знать, действовать, рефлектировать

Модератор: Пётр Резвых


Чем бы мы, люди, ни были заняты, мы всегда ориентируется на наше знание о том, что и как есть, и на наши нормативные представления о том, что и как должно быть. Опосредовать с помощью рефлексии связь между тем и другим, между знанием и действием, – к этому стремится, в сущности, всякая философия. Соотношение теории и практики, vita contemplativa и vita activa, в истории философии трактовалось весьма различно: если классическая традиция античности и средневековья подчеркивала преимущество теоретического, то в мышлении Нового времени акцент все больше ставился на примат практического, будь то в бэконовском обосновании экспериментального исследования природы или в морально-философских размышлениях Канта. Ныне обе постановки вопроса, а равно и само противопоставление теоретического и практического, все чаще подвергаются в рамках различных философских направлений суровой критике. Обо всех возможных позициях в этих дебатах мы будем дискутировать в нашей секции «Знать, действовать, рефлектировать». Мы будем рады видеть в нашей секции доклады из самых разных областей философии, о метафизики и теории познания до политической философии и эстетики, представляющие разные направления как континентальной, так и аналитической традиции.

Право в теории и на практике: глобальные вызовы и новые импульсы

Модератор: Александр Дрейт


Принятие новых законов часто является основой возникновения множества вопросов. В зависимости от их применения и правильного воплощения одни законы могут создать фундамент для интересных инициатив, другие же заставить возникнуть непроходимые препятствия. Свежий взгляд на законодательные новеллы, прогнозы или уже имеющийся опыт их применения, как правило, приносят с собой ясность и уверенность и способствуют тому, чтобы законы выполняли свое предназначение. Также и аналогии из других правовых областей, из-за рубежа, по имеющемуся там опыту, а также примеры из прошлого могут не только служить предметом для обсуждений, но и стать базой для новых идей и инициатив в сфере права. При этом произведения немецкой и российской юридической направленности могут использоваться при оставлении компетентных анализов по актуальным темам. Также интересным могут быть вопросы имеющихся различий в юридической терминологии, мнения об их соотносимости или целесообразности их введения из соответствующей другой правовой системы. Будь то про растущее влияние судебной практики на решения судов в России, Германии и других странах, вопросы коллизионного права или особенности приведения в исполнение решений иностранных судов – мы будем рады Вашим работам по самым различным темам правовой сферы.

Литература, культура, перевод

Модератор: Ирис Беккер



Конечно, из Москвы и из Берлина мир кажется совершенно разным. Каждый, кто предпринимает путешествие в другую страну, столкнётся с правотой этого сколь лаконичного, столь и глубокого утверждения. Но даже тому, кто анализирует межкультурные различия всякого рода, сидя за письменным столом, осознанная смена перспективы обещает новые открытия. Вопрос заключается в том, как с русской точки зрения выглядит «немецкое», и как выглядит с немецкой точки зрения «русское». Подобные культурно обусловленные различия будут обсуждаться в секции «Литература, культура, перевод». Идёт ли речь об образе России в современных немецких медиа, о совместных русско-немецких «местах памяти», как, например, 8-9-е мая 1945 года, или о переводчице Светлане Гайер, чьим «голосом» Достоевский говорит по-немецки, – всегда будут учитываться обе точки зрения, как русская, так и немецкая. В секции приветствуются литературоведческие и культурологические доклады из области русистики и германистики, а также из смежных дисциплин, в частности, компаративистики и переводоведения.

Прошлое и современность

Модератор: Мартин Байссвенгер


«Прошлое не мертво. Оно даже не прошлое». Эти известные слова американского писателя Уильяма Фолкнера подчеркивают, что прошлое постоянно оказывает влияние на современность. По сути, прошлое и настоящее представляют собой две стороны одной медали. Если прошлое непрестанно ставит перед современностью вопросы, то и настоящее, также, постоянно обретает уверенность в прошлом. Организаторы данной секции приглашают к участию докладчиков, которые видят в истории не только совокупность лиц и событий прошлого, и которые не ограничиваются сухим перечислением имен и дат, но рассматривают прошлое как часть современных процессов. В секции могут быть представлены доклады по любому хронологическому периоду и исторической тематике. Однако ожидается, что докладчики будут рассматривать свои темы в контексте современных научных дискуссий и продемонстрируют знакомство с методологией исторической науки. Заявки должны содержать четко обозначенный основной вопрос исследования, а также информацию об изучаемых источниках и научной актуальности работы.


Политика и управление

Модератор: Тим Екель


Я сердечно приглашаю Вас представить в заявленной секции свои исследования в области политологии и управления. Для подачи заявки есть два условия:


  1. Вы занимаетесь исследованиями в области политологии и/или управления.
  2. Ваши исследования затрагивают сферу политики и управления в Российской Федерации, Германии или сравнивают два государства.


Примеры: Ваш доклад может быть посвящен отдельной управленческой организации. Как реформировало свою работу Федеральное ведомство по делам миграции и беженцев Германии, когда в 2015 году в страну прибыло более миллиона беженцев? В докладе могли бы быть освящены назначение нового руководителя министерства, новые стратегии и методы работы и преодоление с их помощью так называемого кризиса беженцев.


Москва меняется, практически ежедневно, например, в области общественной инфраструктуры: открываются новые станции метро, на месте неконтролируемых рынков повсюду в городе появляются современные торговые центры. Какие программы стоят за этими изменениями? Кто их планирует и как они реализуются на практике? Что работает, а что – нет?


Ваше исследование может быть посвящено тому, как во времена кризиса выходят из строя бюрократии, не сумев необходимым образом перестроиться.


Приветствуются также работы по теории политики и управления.


Буду рад Вашим заявкам!





Модераторы: Кристиан Фрёлих


В секции будут обсуждаться актуальные вопросы социальных изменений и связанные с этим вызовы обществу. В этом контексте особенно интересны исследования, в центре внимания которых находится взаимовлияние различных областей социологии, в особенности – но не только – на фоне глобализированного мира, в котором процессы объединения становятся все более мощными. Мы будем рады прежде всего эмпирическим исследованиям из различных сфер социологии, к примеру, работам об образе Своего и Чужого, коллективной идентичности, гражданском обществе и общественных движениях, процессах интерпретации и моделях поведения в сфере работы и образования в институциональном или организационном аспекте. Также приветствуются исследования норм и ценностей, их подверженность или неподверженность изменениям в различных сферах жизни. Какую роль играет национальная, этническая, религиозная и политическая идентичность и какое отношение она имеет к пониманию социальных изменений? И какие значимые, способные повлиять на что-либо выводы делаются из этого? При отборе заявок мы будем обращать особое внимание как на сравнительные исследования, так и на эмпирические работы с обоснованной теоретической базой.

Экономика и общество

Модератор: Карстен Шпренгер


19-го апреля 2017 года в московском кампусе Высшей школы экономики уже в третий раз пройдет немецкоязычная студенческая конференция «Welt und Wissenschaft». На секцию «Экономика и общество» мы сердечно приглашаем студентов факультетов политологии и экономики, а также молодых политологов и экономистов, которые хотели бы на немецком языке представить и обсудить свои исследования. В центре нашего внимания будет находиться взаимосвязь политики, экономики и общества, и возможными темами для докладов могли бы быть влияние политических организаций на экономическое развитие и последствия изменений в экономике для политики и общества. Однако мы будем рады и другим работам из области политологии и экономики. Все доклады будут оцениваться и обсуждаться учеными и экспертами из НИУ ВШЭ, что позволит предоставить участникам конференции максимально полную обратную связь.




Конференция пройдет в Национальном исследовательском университете «Высшая школа экономики». НИУ ВШЭ является одним из ведущих вузов России. Он был основан в 1991 году и насчитывает около 27 000 студентов.

Прошлые конференции

Программу конференции 2016 года Вы найдете на сайте https://lang.hse.ru/weltundwissenschaft/

Дискуссия в секции «Право» на конференции 2016 года, спереди справа модератор Тобиас Штюдеманн