
Jahresausklang in St. Petersburg

Chaostage im Deutschen Schwimmverband (DSV): Keine Präsidentin, kein Cheftrainer, offensichtlich kein Konzept. Sarah Köhler, Franziska Hentke und Florian Wellbrock machen das Beste draus. Sie sind zum Jahresabschluss noch mal zum Kurzbahn (25m) Salnikov-Cup nach St. Petersburg gefahren und haben viel Edelmetall geholt. Sarah Köhler mit Doppel-Gold über die 800m und die 400m Freistil. Florian Wellbrock mit Gold über die 1.500m; über die 400m hat Martin MALYUTIN mit einem superstarken Finish Gold geholt, also Silber für den amtierenden 1.500m Europameister vom SC Madgeburg. Einmal Gold (200m Schmett) und einmal Silber (100 Schmett) auch für Franziska Hentke von der SG Frankfurt.

Und im Unterschied zu Deutschland läuft Schwimmen in Russland auch im Fernsehen!


Sustainability in the public sector

Below is a talk that I delivered today at Higher School of Economics (HSE) Day 2018 in Moscow’s famous Gorky Park.

What is the meaning of life?

I recently finished reading the autobiography of the famous Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl. Frankl is famous among applied psychologists, he invented logotherapy, a theory and counseling approach about what motivates people.

Frankl experienced a, say, more than challenging life, if not to say, a multi-year nightmare. Being a Jewish doctor in Vienna in the 1930ies, he suffered from the Fascist regime. He survived the holocaust and four concentration camps, including Auschwitz. But his wife, his brother and his parents died or were killed in a concentration camp.

A man who lost almost his whole family during the holocaust, what will be his answer to the question: What is the meaning of life? Viktor Frankl’s response was: Identifying a purpose in life.

Frankl established the notion that identifying a purpose in life is crucial for an individual’s well-being. His bestselling book was “Man’s search for meaning”. Frankl further argued that a meaningful life requires two ingredients: one’s desire to benefit other people and acting beyond pure self-interest. Taking care about one’s both social and natural environment motivates a meaningful life. In other words we should behave in a sustainable manner.

Viktor Frankl’s lesson leads us to the broader concept of sustainability. More formally, sustainability is a logic of action aimed at a careful use of resources that secures the well-being of current and future generations. The point I want to make here is that sustainability not only ensures that this world will be a life-worthy place for our kids. It will also satisfy you and me — right here and right now, because it satisfies man’s search for meaning in life.

How does this relate to government and public administration? To answer this question let us take a step back. In this academic year I am teaching a course that deals with management and sustainability in the public sector. We will study the role of the public sector in promoting sustainable development. It is beyond the scope of today’s talk to summarize all the evidence on this topic. Instead, I will highlight the two faces of the public sector when it comes to sustainability, the ugly and grey one, and the professional, the green one.

Earth Overshoot Day

It is an undisputable fact that the global population consumes more natural resources, such as water, oxygen, soil, than the global ecosystem can regenerate. And we are producing more carbon wastes than the global ecosystem can absorb. Our ecological footprint, a population’s demand for resources, by far exceeds ecosystems’ bio capacity, the supply of those resources. In other words, human mankind is running an ecological deficit. Earth Overshoot Day is a common measurement of this deficit. In 2018 Earth Overshoot Day was on 1st of August which is almost two months earlier than in the early 1990ies. We are more far away from carefully using resources than ever.

Economically developed countries use nature more extensively compared to less developed countries, as they are producing more goods and services, like cars, machinery, etc. Vietnam has the smallest gap between ecological footprint and bio capacity; Earth Overshoot Day for Vietnam is December 21. For Germany, the UK, or Switzerland Earth Overshoot Day is between May 2 and May 12. Earth Overshoot Day for Russian Federation is April 21.

Ecological footprint > bio capacity → ecological deficit

The job of government and administration is to improve the well-being of citizens. Earth Overshoot Day demonstrates that policy makers need to regulate economic activities. Environmental protection and sustainability receive most attention on a global level. In 2005 policy leaders agreed on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They include a commitment to end hunger and starvation, and to balance ecological footprint and bio capacity by 2030. Elected decision makers set environmental policy goals, public administration run policy programs to achieve those goals. Policy makers regulate economic activities and peoples’ behavior.

For example, in order to cut greenhouse gas emissions and to increase energy efficiency the European Union in 2005 launched its Emission Trading Scheme. Essentially factories will need to pay for emitting greenhouses gases. The underlying idea is that if you have to pay for emissions you will seek to reduce them.

Another example is air pollution. Polluted air is the ‘silent killer No. 1’according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In order to secure public health policy makers set an annual limit value for nitrogen dioxide of 40 microgram per cubic metre (µg/m3).

On the one hand, the public sector acts as a promoter of sustainable development.

The ugly face: Regulatory capture

There is plenty of evidence where governments fail to promote the well-being of their citizens, however. Germany serves as an excellent example for policy failure and regulatory capture. People in several well-known German cities suffer from polluted air. Berlin, München, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, or Köln regularly exceed critical values set by the European Union in 2010. Diesel-engine motor vehicles are the major source for air pollution; they are responsible for 70% of nitrogen dioxide emission (NO2) in Germany up from 15% twenty years ago (2000). There are good reasons to ban or at least regulate this technology.

Federal government, including Chancellor Merkel, and most state governments tend to ignore the problem however. The state prime minister of the largest German state recently said that he considers diesel-bans to be unreasonable and unlawful.[1] German politicians oppose a sustainable transport policy. Policy makers continuously jeopardize public health of the people. Why?

The first explanation centers around regulatory capture: Regulatory capture means that lobbyists and well-organized interest groups capture the state. Germany has the world’s hugest and most profitable car industry. Being a huge taxpayer and donor to almost all political parties Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and BMW heavily lobby and successfully influence policy-making in Germany and the European Union. Regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Office for Motor Traffic (Kraftfahrtbundesamt, KBA) in Germany fail to act in the public interest.

In his 1965 seminal book “The Logic of Collective Action” Mancur Olson argued that small self-serving interest groups have a stronger voice compared to a diverse group of people. Politicians seek for reelection. German car makers provide jobs to hundreds of thousands of skilled engineering workers, either in their own factories, or in the supplying industry. Unions are doing a good job in organizing those workers and voters to combat tough regulation of the car maker industry. But it difficult to organize the millions of people that suffer from polluted air.

In 2018 the European Commission sued to court Germany and five other countries. This imposed at least some pressure to act. In spring 2018 the German federal administrative court ruled that municipalities in Germany may impose bans on diesel-powered cars to combat polluted air. Hamburg was the first city to impose such a ban, though a very limited one. Two inner-city routes are now closed to older diesel-engine cars. It is questionable whether banning particular groups of cars from entering cities is a useful attempt to improve air-quality for community members.

(The idea of banning dirty cars from entering city centers is not novel to Germany. Imposing city bans on dirty cars is a practice that has been in operation since 2007. Since then local governments are allowed to establish so called “low emission zones”, in which heavy polluters are not allowed to enter. Those low emission zones proved to be an inefficient policy tool however.)

But reality is not just black and white. There are several shades of green. At the local level public policy makers act as frontrunners and role models for sustainable behavior. My example here is urban transportation. E-mobility is the only sustainable approach to urban transportation in the 21th century. For example, Berlin, Germany’s capital, currently runs a pilot project with a fleet of 25 e-buses. In another German city, Mainz, state government funds the replacement of diesel-engine buses by e-buses.

Yet another approach to e-mobility is trolley coaches. Moscow has been using trolley coaches since 1933. In the Western world trolley coaches and the supporting power supply lines have been demolished during the 1960ies and 1970ies. Urban planners now admit that this was a huge mistake. E-buses now experience a comeback.

Modern public managers will need to shift their attention from protecting an over-subsidized car industry to developing comprehensive and integrated public transportation systems. Public e-mobility is the future of urban transportation. Uber is NOT a solution to polluted air, and congestion. In US cities where Uber operates, its service has increased, not reduced, the volume of traffic, a recent study demonstrates.

This brings us back to the question “What is the meaning of life?”. Sustainability is much about psychology. Sustainability starts at the individual level. At the end of the day it is your choice: whether to or not to ride the metro or by Yandex.Taxi, whether or not reject a plastic bag when shopping. It is up to you to make a difference.

You think that sustainability does not pay? There you are mistaken. There is a business case for Corporate Sustainability. Sustainable investments can drive financial performance. Return on invest (ROI) is 5% higher for companies that put their money into responsible investments compared to those who do not account for responsibility when making an investment decision, a recent meta-study from Oxford reports (Clark, Feiner, Viehs, 2015; Khan, Serafeim, Yoon, 2015)[2][3]. And the risk is lower compared to orthodox investments.

But this argument is based on an extrinsic, financial motivation, increasing profit. Intrinsic motivation will form a more solid base for sustainability. You will not only help to secure the future of your kids; it will make you feel better right now, too.

[1] https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/gerichtsentscheidungen-juristen-werfen-politik-falschen-umgang-mit-urteilen-vor/23009350.html.

[2] From the Stockholder to the Stakeholder. How Sustainability Can Drive Financial Outperformance. https://arabesque.com/research/From_the_stockholder_to_the_stakeholder_web.pdf 2018-09-11.

[3] Corporate Sustainability: First Evidence on Materiality. http://ssrn.com/abstract=2575912

Man spricht Deutsch Sports & Healthy Lifestyle


Florian Wellbrock (Magdeburg), Kliment Kolesnikov (Moskau) und Alexander Morozov (Moskau, mit Mad Wave Badekappe) sind Multitalente; alle drei zeigten in verschiedenen Schwimmstilen und / oder Distanzen eine starke Performanz heute beim vorletzten Tag der European Championships im Tollcross Aquatics Center in Glasgow.

Florian Wellbrock hat sich heute, nach seinem Europerekord über die 1.500m, auch die Bronzmedaillie über die 800m Kraul erkämpft (7:45,60, Durchgangszeiten bis 250m: 27,15; 56,55; 1:26,21; 1:55; 2:24). Mikhael Romanthuck (UKR) hat sich Gold heute nicht entgehen lassen, er war heute super motiviert, das hat man gesehen, und hat von vorne weg Tempo gemacht und gehalten (7:42,96). Paltrinieri auf Platz 2.

Kliment Kolesnikov ist in der 4×100 Freistil mixed Staffel die 1. 100er für die russische Team sehr stark geschwommen – zur Erinnerung, der 18 jährige Moskauer hat mit 24,00 gerade einen neuen Europarekord auf der 50m Rücken-Distanz aufgestellt. Am Ende machte die französische Equipe das Rennen, danach die Niederlande, Bronze für Russland – da hat man die Enttäuschung gemerkt.

Rücken und Freistil-fest ist auch A. Morozov, weiland schnellster Mann aktuell über die 100m Lagen auf der Kurzbahn. Er hat das Finale über die 50m Kraul heute erreicht.

Evgenij Rylov hat einen neuen Europarekord über die 200m Rücken eingestellt.

Schade schon wieder für Philipp Heintz vom SV Nikar Heidelberg, er ist nach den Halbfinals über die 100m Schmett nicht mehr im Finale dabei. A. Sadovnikov (mit einer 51,67) und Kuimov (bei RU) sind dagegen weiter und im Finale.

Queen of Breaststroke ist und bleibt Yulia Efimova, nach Gold auf den 200m und 100m hat sie sich heute für das Finale über die 50m qualifiziert.


Do it like Chupkov

Medaillienregen für die russische Mannschaft heute bei den European Championships in Glasgow im Schwimmbecken.

Gold und Silber über die 100 Rücken für einen Weltklasse Kliment Kolesnikov (52,53!!!) und Jevgenij Rylov (52,77, mit Fragezeichen). Die Rückenkurzstrecke ist damit in Europa fest in russischer Hand.

Edelmetall auf den Bruststrecken machen Grossbritannien und Russland unter sich aus. Adam Peaty paced auf der Kurzstrecke (eine auf 57,12s nach oben korrigierte 100m Goldmedaille, die 50er sowieso) und Anton Chupkov brilliert auf den 200m: mit einem neuen Europarekord in 2:06,80 und Gold. Sein „Geheimnis“ sind die lange Gleitphase und niedrige Zugfrequenz. 15 Züge auf den ersten 50m, 13 auf der zweiten, 16 auf den dritten 50m, und dann selbst im Finish auf den letzten Bahn reichen dem amtierenden russischen Meister 20 Züge. Do it like Chupkov: effektiv arbeiten, und nach hinten raus noch mal richtig Gas geben. So hat das Florian Wellbrock gestern auf den 1.500m auch gemacht.

Russian for Beginners: Read and Translate the caption above

Dann noch Silber für die russische Mixed Lagen Staffellm mit Kolesnikov, der seine Zeit ganz nebenbei auf den 100m Rücken sogar noch mal um 2 Hundertstel auf 52,53s getoppt hat!, Yulia Efimova und A. Morozov.

Silber davor auch für Philipp Heintz auf den 200m Lagen. Das fand ich für ihn superschade, ich hätte mich für den Heidelberger (SV Nikar) so über Gold gefreut. Die 50m Rücken war‘ ns, da ist Deschamps vorbeigezogen, die starken 50 Brust und Kraul haben nicht mehr gereicht, um wieder ranzukommen.

Man spricht Deutsch Sports & Healthy Lifestyle

Gold für F. Wellbrock über 1.500m!

Hammerrennen: Florian Wellbrock vom SC Magdeburg ist neuer Europameister über die 1.500m Kraul! Mit einer superklasse 14:36:15 toppt er bei den European Championships in Glasgow seine Bestleistung von den Deutschen (14:40) noch mal um fast 4s Sekunden.

Was ist neben der Zeit besonders? Erstens Konstanz: Alle 50m Durchgangszeiten lagen unter 30s, und negative Splits, d.h. die Durchgangszeiten werden in der zweiten Rennhälfte besser. Das zweite Merkmal bei Wellbrocks Schwimmstil ist die niedrige Zugfrequenz, d. h. minimale Anzahl an Armzüge pro Bahn, lange Gleitphase, aktiver Beinschlag (nicht nur Schleppbeinschlag). Ich habe pro Bahn konstant 30 Armzüge gezählt, die Zahl hatte er auch selbst am Vortag im Interview genannt. Paltrinieri, 3. Platz, hatte dagegen 40 Armzüge pro Bahn.

In der zweiten Hälfte des Rennens übernahm Wellbrock die Führung und gab sie nicht mehr her. Romantchuk aus der Ukraine, 2. Platz, hat auf den letzten 100ern noch mal angegriffen, aber der 20 jährige gebürtige Bremen hat auf 6er Beinschlag umgestellt und gekonntert. Klasseleistung!

Damit also das 2. Gold für das deutsche Team nach der 4×200 mixed Staffel.

Living in Moscow Man spricht Deutsch Sports & Healthy Lifestyle

Russische Meisterschaften Schwimmen: Tag 1

Es geht los: Die russischen Schwimmerinnen und Schwimmer können ab heute Ihre Tickets für die EM in Glasgow lösen. Die Russischen Meisterschaften im Schwimmen, das Pendant zu den DMS in Berlin, haben begonnen. Wie immer im geschichtsträchtigen CK Olympiskiy Stadion, dem Olympischen Pool von 1980 am Prospekt Mira.

Die EM-Normen sind 21,96s (25,02) bzw. 48,64 (54,02) auf der Kurzstrecke (50/100m) und 1:46,78 (1:57,28) und 3:47,28 (4:07,75) auf der Mittelstrecke (200/400m).

Mit einer 3:45,84 hat Alexander Krasnich im Finale über die 400m Kraul also heute sein Ticket gelöst – und ist Russischer Meister! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Er hat das Rennen von vorne weg geschwommen; bis auf die ersten 50er ist er konstant mit 28er Zeiten geschwommen, mit einem 27er Finisch.

P. Andrysenko hat als zweiter angeschlagen und macht mit einer 3:47,25 eine Punktlandung unterhalb der EM-Norm von (3:47,28).

In den Halbfinals über die 50 Schmetterling erfüllte Nikita Koroljev mit einer 23,47 als einziger frühzeitig die EM-Norm (23,48) und ist ein Titelanwärter. Mal sehen, was in den Finals noch so passiert.

Außerdem standen u.a die Halbfinals über die 50 Rücken und 50 Schmett der Männer und das Finale der 400 Lagen der Damen auf dem Programm (siehe Fotos vom B-Finale).


Spring has come, finally

Though those cherry trees on Moscow’s Clean Pond Boulevard are made of plastic, the serve as appreciated messengers of spring time.

And there is the link to public services: Time to remove the old dust!

Municipal employees at Сретенский бульвар

Сретенский Бульвар

Employees of Moscow’s agency for public road maintance at Рождевственский Бульвар

Construction Time again

Moscow is currently building its second, outer underground transportation belt line. Its first one opened in 1935, more than 8 decades ago. As its older sister, and its nephew, Moscow Central Circle (MCC) – a new above-the-surface railway circle line – the outer belt addresses a common Russian problem, namely that everything focuses on the center if Moscow. It is easy as ABC to get from the outskirts to, say Higher School of Economics in the inner city, but travelling from one tail of the city to another might turn into a time consuming journey.

MCC already increased accessibility of railway based, safe and secure transport, and decreased travelling time by up to 30 minutes. The outer metro belt line will do similarly.

These huge mid and long-term improvements come along with noisy construction site, dust, mud, and cutting of trees all along the city.

One of the nany construction sites located near Technical University (Baumann University) offers a glimpse on the concrete parts that are used to stabilize the tunnels (pictured below, or above).


Another cold but sunny day in Moscow

Transportation Hub Kursksya station, main building’s roof
Garden Ring
Clean Ponds Boulevard

Moscow State University at night

Moscow State University’s (MSU) main building, located at Sparrow Hills south of Moscow river, offers an exciting view both at day and night-time. Constructed from 1949 to 1953, it kept the record of being the tallest building in Europe until the 1980ies. And it is still the tallest higher education facility on the globe. A five minutes walk on the extensive camous northbound will bring you to the famous viewing plattform that yields you are glimpse of the truth behind the saying that Moscow never sleeps.