Frankfurt (Oder) Public Service Delivery public transport

Nachhaltige Mobilität: ein Blick in die Zukunft

Frankfurt (Oder), Cottbus und Brandenburg an der Havel modernisieren in einer konzertierten Beschaffungsaktion ihre Straßenbahn-Flotte. Das ist eine erste gute Neuigkeit für alle ÖPNV-Nutzer der drei kreisfreien Städte in Brandenburg. Die neuen Straßenbahnen sind barrierefrei und ermöglichen auch Familien mit Kinderwagen und Rollstuhlfahrern problemlose nachhaltige Mobilität.

Es gibt eine weitere gute Nachricht: produzieren und liefern wird die Wagons die Traditionsmarke Skoda aus der Tschechischen Republik. Die Nutzer erwartet also ein ansprechendes Design mit robuster Laufleistung. Selim Pekel berichtet in der heutigen Ausgabe der Märkische Oderzeitung (07. Februar 2024), dass sich die Auslieferung der ersten Testfahrzeuge nach Frankfurt in den April 2024 verschiebt. Parallel reisen Multiplikatorenausbilder in die Nachbarrepublik, um Einweisungen zu erhalten, die sie an die Kollegen in Deutschland weitergeben.

Selim Pekel, Nächste Station Tschechien. Märkische Oderzeitung, Mittwoch, 07. Februar 2024, S. 13. 

Einen Blick in die Zukunft erlaubt ein Abstecher nach Prag. Dort verkehren – natürlich – Straßenbahnwagons und Metro-Züge aus heimischer Skoda-Produktion (Abb. oben, Tram im Prag, (c) Dr. Tim Jäkel, 2019).

Glück im Unglück: Seit 1987 bringen genauso stylische Tatra-Trams Einwohner und Gäste der Oderstadt von A nach B.

Auch cool: eine alte Tatra-Tram, überquert eine Moldau-Brück im Zentrum Prags. (c) Dr. Tim Jäkel, 2019.

#straßenbahn #tatra #mobilität #frankfurtoder #öpnv #prag

Living in Moscow Public Service Delivery public transport


Living in Moscow Public Service Delivery public transport

Five new metro stations put into operation on Moscow’s 2nd belt line

Yet an updated metro plan sticker in all the cities metro carriages (pictured above). Four new station on the yellow line in Moscow’s north-east recently were put into operation. Besides extending the yellow line the four new station interconnect with the light blue line, the violet line and the dark green line.

Parts of the new track simultaneously realize the first chunk of the second belt line that is currently under construction across Moscow.

In public services terms accessibility of public transport increased, yet again.

Living in Moscow public transport

Re-inventing the wheel , or: back to the future

Berlin, Germany’s capital, currently runs a pilot project with a fleet of 25 e-buses. This is something we could classify as innovative behavior, since an innovation is a novel and useful idea, project or practice that is new to the organization adopting it, regardless of prior adaption in peer units. Good.

Berlin’s pilot project received bad media coverage, however. Not so good. Low operating distance, about 150 kilometres, issues with drive and control  technology were among the main teething troubles. But, hey, these are teething troubles. Sandford Borins in his 2000 PAR article on innovation in the US civil service posited that

„the media’s interest in exposing public sector failings […] is yet another impediment to innovation“ (p. 500).

Borins, S. (2000). Loose Cannons and Rule Breakers, or Enterprising Leaders? Some Evidence About Innovative Public Managers. Public Administration Review, 60(6), 498-507.

The story about Berlin’s fleet nicely supports this notion. But the point I want to make is another one: namely that all the effort now being put into e-buses partly are reinventing the wheel. Why?

Moscow, Russia’s capital, and several other cities in Russia and Eastern Europe still use an alternative technique, was was once disposed as outdated – trolley coaches.

Trolley coaches maintain a continuous supply of energy from power supply lines that are installed throughout major routes in Moscow.

Governments pushing newly constructed autonomous e-buses, keeping energy stored with the vehicle, to reduce carbon dioxide emission are re-inventing the wheel! Though innovative behavior is a good thing, re-inventing something that has been in operation long enough to show results is inefficient.

True, several of the trolley-buses in Moscow were in a rather, say, retro shape. Frequent stops are annoying at time, but I am fan of the metro anyway, and in case you do not have a metro station down the street you will be happy about a serving bus line. But over the course of the last year, with the FIFA championship approaching, Moscow bought a significant amount of brand new trolley bus vehicles. So the technology has been developing over the last decades, because seemingly there are business companies and construction facilities that are producing these new vehicles.

Visitors of Moscow thus will be able to travel back to the future! My point here is that some technologies, that are no labeled as innovative, have been in operation long ago. The general message is that innovative behavior closely connects to organizational learning. Learning from peer abroad may spur innovation at some lower costs –  and less bad media coverage.


Living in Moscow public transport

Take me to the underground

Amid waiting for a new federal government Germany’s sees talk about how to free community members in most larger cities, such as Hamburg, Berlin, Stuttgart, Bonn, and Cologne, from polluted air induced by excessive use of fuel based cars. Free use of public transportation is one potential policy solution to this complex issue.

Nudging people to switch from individual to public transportation requires significant and continuous investment in public infrastructure.

In Moscow, which is plagued from heavy congestion on major avenues, riding public metro already comes at rather low costs. Accessibility is a even more relevant issue. The city puts a lot of money in extenting the accessibility of its rapid underground railway system. The largest construction site is the creation of a third circle line. The first one, the brown line, was constructed between the 1930s and 1950s. The brown line essentially mirrors the Garden Ring below the surface. The second ring is the new Moscow Central Circle, MCC, on the ground, opened in 2015. Costs were around 2 billion Euros, according to estimates. The third line will run underground again. It will cross the existing lines at the height of Sololniki in the north-east and Kalushskaya in the south-west. Prospekt Vernadskovo station on the red line will also see a new connecting station including a new vestibules. A new entrance already opened this weekend. It is pictured above.