Frankfurt (Oder) Public Service Delivery public transport

Nachhaltige Mobilität: ein Blick in die Zukunft

Frankfurt (Oder), Cottbus und Brandenburg an der Havel modernisieren in einer konzertierten Beschaffungsaktion ihre Straßenbahn-Flotte. Das ist eine erste gute Neuigkeit für alle ÖPNV-Nutzer der drei kreisfreien Städte in Brandenburg. Die neuen Straßenbahnen sind barrierefrei und ermöglichen auch Familien mit Kinderwagen und Rollstuhlfahrern problemlose nachhaltige Mobilität.

Es gibt eine weitere gute Nachricht: produzieren und liefern wird die Wagons die Traditionsmarke Skoda aus der Tschechischen Republik. Die Nutzer erwartet also ein ansprechendes Design mit robuster Laufleistung. Selim Pekel berichtet in der heutigen Ausgabe der Märkische Oderzeitung (07. Februar 2024), dass sich die Auslieferung der ersten Testfahrzeuge nach Frankfurt in den April 2024 verschiebt. Parallel reisen Multiplikatorenausbilder in die Nachbarrepublik, um Einweisungen zu erhalten, die sie an die Kollegen in Deutschland weitergeben.

Selim Pekel, Nächste Station Tschechien. Märkische Oderzeitung, Mittwoch, 07. Februar 2024, S. 13. 

Einen Blick in die Zukunft erlaubt ein Abstecher nach Prag. Dort verkehren – natürlich – Straßenbahnwagons und Metro-Züge aus heimischer Skoda-Produktion (Abb. oben, Tram im Prag, (c) Dr. Tim Jäkel, 2019).

Glück im Unglück: Seit 1987 bringen genauso stylische Tatra-Trams Einwohner und Gäste der Oderstadt von A nach B.

Auch cool: eine alte Tatra-Tram, überquert eine Moldau-Brück im Zentrum Prags. (c) Dr. Tim Jäkel, 2019.

#straßenbahn #tatra #mobilität #frankfurtoder #öpnv #prag

Living in Moscow Public Service Delivery public transport


Living in Moscow Public Service Delivery public transport

Five new metro stations put into operation on Moscow’s 2nd belt line

Yet an updated metro plan sticker in all the cities metro carriages (pictured above). Four new station on the yellow line in Moscow’s north-east recently were put into operation. Besides extending the yellow line the four new station interconnect with the light blue line, the violet line and the dark green line.

Parts of the new track simultaneously realize the first chunk of the second belt line that is currently under construction across Moscow.

In public services terms accessibility of public transport increased, yet again.

Public Service Delivery

Public Service Delivery A Century Ago

By public service delivery we usually understand the process of providing the members of a community with monopoly services like law enforcement, street sweeping, firefighting or emergency medical services.

A new outdoor photo exhibition in Moscow’s Vorontsov Park is showing how public service delivery looked a century ago in pre-revolutionary Russia.

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A Moscow Street cleaner in 1900 by an unknown photographer

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Above: A Firefighter brigade in 1907, by unknown author

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The first medical emergency vehicle in 1913

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A team of police officers equipped with cameras; nowadays’ job description would be forensic photographer

Public Service Delivery

The street washer

My first-hand experience with public service delivery in Moscow started when I headed to my first round of job talks at Vyshka (the regional dialect for HSE) in early 2014.

I took a citizens perspective. I recognized that a large truck with a high pressure spray nozzle was approaching from behind. It turned out later on that this is a common scheme to clean the streets from dust in the summer and from mud in springtime. The sideeffect – which I anticipated much quicker – however, is that a significant chunk of this melange of dust and dirt splashes onto the sidewalk. It is clear to the reader what followed. At least I was able to prevent the worst, good, because I only had one suit with me in Moscow. I was not the only one suffering, other locals shared my situation; a fact that put my mind at ease, because it was not the foolish mistake of an excited foreign who does not watch his steps.
Since then I keep respectful distance from what I call the nozzle machines. It is a common scheme in Moscow. In early May they first spray a first truck sprays special shampoo, a second trucks spray water. This is called general cleaning. In more narrow street, e.g. in backyards and sidestreets, the job is done by small scale tractors.

I a 70ies book from Richard Scarry on „Cars and Trucks and things that go“ (or so), one of my sons favorites books, I recognized a similar nozzle machine. It is called the street washer (not pictured, due to potential copyrights violations). So it seems to be not a Russian thing.

The job talks were succesful, by the way.